For Node Operators

Here you find information how to run a full node as well as produce blocks. If you want to run a sentry, most of the instructions are the same.

Run a full node

We assume you are on some sort of Ubuntu/Debian Linux. Other Linux distributions and macOS works very similar.

1. Update your OS and install dependencies

# Update, upgrade, reboot ‼️
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && reboot

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install -y make gcc build-essential git jq joe unzip

2. Install Go

This way: Both Go 1.20 and 1.19 are supported.

3. Clone the noisd repository

git clone
cd noisd
git checkout <SOME TAG>

The tag to be checked out is available in the Networks section.

4. Build and install the noisd binary

make install

export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
# in zsh: rehash

Check the installation:

noisd version
# Shows version you checked out above

5. Init (creates folder $HOME/.noisd)

Create initial configuration files. The given argument is the moniker (a nickname for the node).

noisd init "random node"

6. Adapt config

# Update p2p setting (config.toml)
export MY_EXTERNAL_ADDR="$(curl -sS" # or set explicitely if this API does not return the correct value
sed -i 's/external_address =.*$/external_address = "'$MY_EXTERNAL_ADDR'"/' $HOME/.noisd/config/config.toml

7. Download the genesis file

See Networks for the correct URL.

wget -O "$HOME/.noisd/config/genesis.json" <GENESIS URL>

8. Draw the rest of the fucking owl

The rest is similar to running a standard Cosmos node or validator. You can check the Cosmos Hub docs for more details. For the faucet, rpc links, permanent peers and similar details visit.